An Act of Brotherhood and Bravery
One day in early 1877, MDL went to town to fetch supplies. As he was going about his business there, he noticed a bit of a commotion. To his surprise and disappointment, he observed that two Mormon missionaries were being harassed by a group of local townsmen who were preparing to tar and feather the men and run them out of town. MDL could see that the men were in trouble, and if left unaided, he knew that they would be seriously harmed. Compelled by his sense of good will, and perhaps inspired further, MDL was somehow able to create a distraction sufficient to sneak the missionaries away and take them to the safety of his home.
When he arrived at home, MDL introduced the men to Nancy, and told her the story of their rescue. Nancy was upset to learn that the men MDL had rescued were Mormon missionaries. She knew of their reputation, and the persecution that Mormons were subjected to in the area. Fearing for the safety of her family, Nancy implored MDL to send the men on their way, but MDL insisted that they first feed them and care to the injuries they had sustained in their altercation earlier in the day.
Still angered by the situation, Nancy grabbed a pail and left the house to fetch some fresh water from a nearby spring. As she was stooped to draw water from the spring, Nancy was approached from behind by someone who tapped her on the shoulder. Startled, she turned to see an older man with a white beard and shinning white hair who announced to her that the men in her home were servants of God and that she and her family would do well to allow them in her home and to care for them. Nancy’s attention was turned again to drawing water from the spring, and when she looked back to continue her conversation with the man, he was gone. Nancy returned to the house and told MDL what had happened.
While Nancy was off gathering water, MDL had engaged in conversation with his missionary guests. Undoubtedly they spoke of many things, but ultimately, the discussion would turn to religion, and the unique elements of the missionary’s faith. Nancy’s visit from the stranger confirmed what MDL was feeling. These men were special, and MDL knew that he and Nancy needed to listen to their message.
Later that evening, Nancy’s earlier fears were confirmed. A group of men arrived at the house demanding that the missionaries be turned over to them. MDL took a position at the door with rifle in hand and made it clear to the men that he had no intention of turning them over to the group. MDL stated firmly that, “these Elders are my guests. They haven’t harmed any of you and you are not going to harm them until you have killed me, and before you kill me I’ll kill some of you. Now go on home”. The mob of men could see that MDL was intent on defending his guests, so the group dispersed and left without further incident.
From that experience, MDL and Nancy became interested in the Mormon faith. Elder John Morgan and his companion remained to teach them, and on 10 February 1877, MDL and Nancy were baptized. In the brief time of their visit, MDL and Nancy became endeared to those missionaries, and the missionaries to them. MDL had rescued them from harm’s way, and Nancy had provided for their care. John Morgan, and his missionary companion, had given MDL and Nancy an even greater gift, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
After MDL and Nancy were baptized, the missionaries went on to Rome. Not long after, they returned to assign MDL the responsibility of leading the small congregational branch of members living in Armuchee. Unbeknownst to MDL and Nancy at the time, this would not be the last time they would see Elder Morgan or be affected by his influence and leadership. Elder Morgan was equally unaware at the time, but as his role in LDS Church leadership evolved, he would later return to Georgia to preside over the Southern States Mission while MDL and Nancy resided there. His leadership and influence in that capacity would have a profound affect on MDL and his descendents.
Staying the Course
Life in Armuchee after Elder Morgan’s visit continued to be challenging and rewarding. It was only four months later on 6 Jun 1877 that Nancy and MDL’s second son, their fourth child, was born. As is LDS tradition, infant children are given a name and a blessing soon after their birth. So great was their love and respect for Elder Morgan, that Nancy and MDL choose to name their new son, Charles Morgan Reid in honor of Elder Morgan, who blessed their new son on 13 Oct 1877. It was not the last time that the Morgan name would be given to a descendent of Nancy and MDL, but Charles was the first, and he bore the name proudly.
Not long after, on 15 Nov 1878, another son, George Washington Bailey Reid was born. Then on 22 Nov 1881 their youngest child, Walter Laurel Reid was born. The family was growing steadily. Ellen had recently remarried and moved on, but MDL’s mother Hannah had returned to live with him after his step-father Benjamin’s death. Nancy and Hannah cared for the children while MDL continued to labor with the farm and tended to his responsibilities of leadership of the Armuchee Branch of Mormon faithful.
So complete was their conversion and commitment to the Mormon faith, that MDL and Nancy maintained a home for the Mormon missionaries serving in the area. Doing so subjected MDL and his family to the constant threat of persecution and disregard by their neighbors, yet they were unwavering in their faith and commitment.
On to Utah
Likely in response to persecution and encouragement from church leaders, in November of 1885 MDL made the decision to move his family west to Utah. In spite of whatever religious persecution MDL and his family were enduring at the time, it would have been a difficult decision to make to abandon the lush hills of Georgia for the desert of Utah.
Once committed, MDL gathered the family together, including mother Hannah, and made the necessary arrangements to travel west to Utah by train. Some advanced preparation may have been made for MDL’s family to be received in Utah, but they arrived in Kaysville, Davis County, Utah without any connection to family or friends other than what their association with local Church members would provide. At nearly 60 years of age, MDL was once again challenged to begin anew.
MDL initially settled the family in Kaysville after their arrival. On 1 Dec 1887, MDL’s mother Hannah died. She is buried in the Kaysville Cemetery, likely nearby where MDL lived at the time.
In 1892 MDL moved the family to the “Sandridge”, now Clinton, Davis County, Utah to lay claim to property available to homestead. By 1900, census records indicate that he owned the home they were living in and that he was engaged in farming.
Marcus D Lafayette Reid and Nancy Elizabeth Duke Reid about 1905 pictured with daughter-in-law Martha Louise Child Reid and grandchildren Martha Jane Reid (l) and Ralph Frisbee Reid (r)
Not long after their move to Clinton, the challenges of life’s many difficult years were finally beginning to be manifest. MDL was growing weak, and on 18 May 1907, at age 77, he died at his home in Clinton. MDL was buried in the Clinton City Cemetery in Davis County, Utah.
Today, a stately marker stands by Marcus D Lafayette Reid’s grave to remind his ancestors of the resting place of a man who repeatedly put concern for his personal welfare aside to protect family and neighbors, and to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A man whose courage, perseverance, and devotion to family and his God are worthy of emulation by all who shall follow him. Indeed, his namesake Marquis d Lafayette, would have been proud that MDL bore his name; as are we, his ancestors, proud to bear the Reid name.
- 1 Dec 1829: Born in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, to Bailey Reid and Hannah Washington Williams
- 30 Aug 1850: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Census Record, Division 66, living on Williams farm with mother Hannah
- 22 Dec 1850: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, marriage to Nancy Ann Ramsey, daughter of Randal Ramsey and Preshey Bersain
- 25 May 1852: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Birth of daughter Preshey E Reid
- 2 June 1852: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Death of daughter Preshey E Reid
- 30 Aug 1855: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Birth of daughter Ellen Reid
- 11 Jun 1860: Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Census Record, Militia District 234, living on Ramsey farm
- 15 May 1861: Maxeys, Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Enlists in Confederate Army, 8th Georgia Infantry, Company K
- 14 Mar 1862: Richmond, Virginia, Chimborazo Hospital, Treatment of wounds
- 28 Feb 1863: Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, Bell Hospital, hospital Muster Roll, serving as nurse while healing from wounds
- 10 Aug 1863: Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, Bell Hospital, released to return to command
- 31 Oct 1863: Bristol, Tennessee, Detached service as nurse
- 12 May 1865: Jonesboro, Tennessee, Surrendered to Union
- 22 May 1865: Jonesboro, Tennessee, Declared Oath of Allegiance to Union and released to returned to family in Floyd County, Georgia
- 2 Aug 1869: Alabama, Death of wife, Nancy Ann Ramsey, circumstances of death unknown
- 2 Sep 1870: Division 49, Floyd County, Georgia, Census Record, living with mother Hannah and step-father Benjamin Bowles after death of wife Nancy
- 11 Sep 1870: Floyd County, Georgia, Marriage to Nancy Elizabeth Duke
- 27 May 1871: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of daughter Ophelia Hannah Emiline Reid
- 25 Jan 1873: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of son Green R. Mark Zealous Reid
- 15 Oct 1874: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of daughter Julia Nettie Camilia Reid
- 6 Jun 1877: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of son Charles Morgan Reid
- 15 Oct 1874: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of son George Washington Bailey Reid
- 21 Jun 1880: Watters, Floyd County, Georgia, Census Record
- 22 Nov 1881: Floyd County, Georgia, Birth of son Walter Laurel Reid
- 1885: Moved west to Davis County, Utah
- 1 Dec 1887: Clinton, Davis County, Utah, Death of mother Hannah Washington Williams Reid Bowles
- 1892: Moved to property on the “Sandridge”, now Clinton, Davis County, Utah
- 19 Jun 1900: Clinton, Davis County, Utah, Census Record
- 18 May 1907: Clinton, Davis County, Utah, Death of natural causes
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